Research Groups
The following is a list of research groups that the UPM has officially accredited as consolidated groups or groups in the process of consolidation. Most of the members of the research groups attached to the ETSI Informáticos are ETSI Informáticos faculty. Also listed are groups not attached to the ETSI Informáticos that have members who are ETSI Informáticos faculty. ETSI Informáticos departments run other research groups and laboratories.
- Biomedical Informatics Group (LIA)
- Babel: Development of reliable and high quality software based on declarative technology
- Validation and Business Applications Group
- Human-Computer Interaction and Advanced Interactive Systems
- Ontology Engineering Group
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (LIA)
- Computing Applied to Signal and Image Processing
- GIICC: Quantum Information and Computation Research Group
- CETTICO:Computer Technology and Communications Research Group
- LSD: Distributed Systems Lab
- Data Mining and Simulation (MIDAS)
- Decision Analysis and Statistics Group
- Computational Intelligence Group
- CLIP: Computational Logic, Languages, Implementation and Parallelism
- Software Engineering
- Engineering Education for a Sustainable World, Based on IoT
- SEMEPRO: Process Safety and Improvement
- Economics and Sustainability of the Natural Environment
- Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering Group
- Real-Time Systems and Telematic Services Architecture
- Computer Vision and Aerial Robotics
- Intelligent Systems Group
- Nutrition, exercise and healthy lifestyle Research Group ImFINE
- Industrial Engineering and Logistics
- Biometry, Biosignals, Safety and Smart Mobility Group
- Geometry and its applications
- Non-linear Mathematical Models
- Visual Telecommunications Application Group (VTAG)
- Health Sciences Technologies
- Dynamic, Learning and Control Systems Group (SISDAC)
- Validation and Industrial Applications Group