The students mail server is accessible for use from any Web site. Even so, there are some constraints and recommendations on use. If you intend to use it from networks outside our direct control, it is a good idea to use a secure connection to prevent your password being captured.
The students mail service operates on a Linux cluster, named alumnos.fi.upm.es, with Dovecot software offering the possibility of accessing mail through POP3 and IMAP protocols. On security grounds, the use of secure STARTTLS (or TLS on some clients) connections for normal ports (110 and 143) or SSL for SSL-enabled ports (995 and 993) is compulsory as of 16 January 2012.
This server is also used for outgoing messages. Bear in mind, though, that some time ago the Facultad de Informática adopted minimum outgoing mail (SMTP) security measures to prevent our machines from being used for the mass distribution of junk mail to external users. Additionally, the UPM took similar measures, making the Facultad de Informática's SMTP mail port inaccessible from the outside. This is the configuration currently recommended by RedIRIS.
A different port (587) has been enabled for sending messages through the Facultad de Informática server when you are away from the Facultad de Informática. You should use TLS and login to access this port, otherwise it will not work.
Below we list some settings that take into account the above recommendations and constraints for the two most commonly used mail programs.
Mozilla Thunderbird:
"Tools" -> "Account Settings"
Click on "Add account" button
Choose "E-mail account" and click on "Next"
Enter your name and e-mail address and click on "Next"
Choose your preferred protocol (POP or IMAP), enter "alumnos.fi.upm.es" in the Incoming mail server field and click on "Next"
Enter your user name and click on "Next"
Enter an account name of your choice and click on "Next"
Click on "Finish"
Now that you have completed the basic definition, you have to adjust some settings.
Locate the account you have just defined in the accounts window
Click on the "Server Settings" option
In the "Security Settings" section, check "TLS" under "Use secure connection"
To prevent duplicating messages deleted by a Thunderbird error:
in the "Server Settings" section, choose "When I delete a message: Mark as deleted"
Search the accounts list for "Outgoing mail server (SMTP)"
Choose "alumnos.fi.upm.es" and click on "Edit"
Replace port by "587", check "Use name and password" and enter user name, and choose "TLS" under "Use secure connection"
Click on "OK"
Outlook Express:
On the "Tools" menu, click on "Accounts"
Click "Add" and then "Mail"
Enter your full name and click on "Next"
Enter your e-mail address and then click on "Next"
Choose your preferred protocol (POP or IMAP), enter "alumnos.fi.upm.es" under Incoming mail server and "alumnos.fi.upm.es" under “Outgoing mail server” and click on "Next"
Enter user name and click on "Next" (you can also set the password)
Click on "Finish"
When you have completed the basic definition, you have to adjust some settings
Choose the account you have just defined from the accounts window and click on "Properties"
Click the "Advanced " tab and check "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" for incoming and outgoing servers and set the outgoing server port to 587
Click the "Servers" tab , and check the "My server requires authentication" option in the "Outgoing mail server" section
Click on "OK"