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Inicio > Estudios > Másteres oficiales > Máster en Innovación Digital > Master Thesis (TFM)

Master's Degree in Digital Innovation


General Information

The Master Thesis consists on the individual execution of an integral project, in which the competencies acquired during the master are demonstrated. The Master Thesis should consist of a written dissertation completed by the Master's degree candidate. The thesis document should have a clear structure and properly describe, justify and present the work done. The Master Thesis supervisor shall guide the student to ensure the right contents and format of the work.
The Master Thesis document must be written and defended in English.
Students will choose a thesis topic and submit the thesis proposal describing the work to be done. The name and the web of the company/institution and its main business must be presented in one paragraph.
The Master Coordinator will approve and assign a Master Thesis Supervisor. The Coordinator may ask for further details on the proposal.

The completion of the Master Thesis is a three-phase process:

The main tasks to be completed in each of these phases are briefly outlined below.

Phase 1: Choice of topic and assignment of supervisor
Master Thesis shall be supervised by a professor (UPM academic staff), from the Master's programme, with co-supervision by another Professor.
Students must submit in the Moodle of the course a short thesis proposal (1-2 pages containing thesis objective/s, planning, methodology and expected results).

Phase 2: Completion of Master Thesis
The Master Thesis shall be supervised by a professor (UPM academic staff) from the Master's programme.
Minor restrictions have been imposed regarding the format and lenght of the Master Thesis, being the Master Thesis director whom shall stablish them depending on the nature and contents of the work. Nevertheless, it is important to respect the following considerations:

Ten days before the date established for the master thesis defenses,all students must submit in the Moodle of the course the master thesis document and the "confidentiality / non-confidentiality agreement" signed by the student and the master thesis director. In addition, if the student wish to authorize the publication of the work,they must also submit the signed "authorization letter". In order to increase the visibility of the student work,we strongly recommend its publication in the UPM Digital Library. The student retains his authorship rights on the work and can be referenced and accessed from the web. 

Phase 3: Defense of Master Thesis
UPM Students shall defend their Master Thesis at the date established at the examination timetable.
Students shall defend their Master Thesis individually in a public oral hearing before a board appointed by the Coordinator of the programme.
The Board shall follow the following instructions, which rule the protocol for defending the Master Thesis:

  1. Once the Board designed by the Coordinator of the programme has been constituted, its Secretary shall open the public session and shall call the first canditate.
  2. The Secretary of the Board shall deliver among the other two Board members the Rubric-Based Assessment Document for Master's Final Thesis, also provided to him/her. They shall evaluate the Master Thesis guided by that document.
  3. Once the candidate is ready, the Board President shall announce the beginning of the defense, reading the title of the work, the name of the author and its directors.
  4. The student shall deliver a 20 minutes oral presentation, mainly focused on showing the nature and results of the work to the Board.
  5. After the student presentation, the Board President shall give way to the Board question turn. Each Board member shall be able to raise any question, query, clarification or objection that they like, to which the student shall have to give proper and convincing responses.
  6. Once the Board considers the question turn over, the student shall be invited to leave and each Board member shall individually complete the rubric-based assessment document, shall sign it and shall hand it back to the Board Secretary, which shall guard it from that moment on.
  7. Next, the Board Secretary shall call the next candidate, if there would be any, following the same procedure like with the previous candidate.
  8. When the last Thesis defense is finished, the Board President shall consider finished the public session and shall inform that the evaluation results will be published in the next days.
  9. The Board Secretary shall collect the signatures of the Board members in the Document of Defense of the Master Thesis, together with the observations the Board shall consider opportune to transmit to the Academic Commission.
  10. The Board Secretary shall deliver to the Master Secretary all the rubric-based assessment documents produced and the Document of defense of the Master Thesis of the session.

After receiving all the evaluations from the directors, co-directors and Board members for each Master Thesis defended in the same examination session, the final grades shall be published. From this point on, the same procedure as for any other course shall be followed.


Although the student will defend the Master Thesis publicy according to the EXIT University procedure, they have to accomplish as well some UPM requirements. A Master Thesis shall be written sumarizing the main goals and results of the work carried out. All students must met UPM requirements to gain our official Master Programme.

Minor restrictions have been imposed regarding the format and lenght of the Master Thesis, being the Master Thesis director whom shall stablish them depending on the nature and contents of the work. Nevertheless, it is important to respect the following considerations:

Please find below a guideline about the main tasks to be accomplished:

Task 1
Students must submit a short thesis proposal (1-2 pages containing thesis objective/s, planning, methodology and expected results).  After receiving all proposals, the student will be assigned a UPM thesis supervisor. This supervisor will only review the work done but final decisions on your work will be made by your EXIT supervisor.

Task 2
Once the student has defended and submitted the master tesis work at the exit university and once the work is revised by the UPM supervisor, the student must submit the following documents:

Competences and learning outcomes


Learning outcomes

After taking the subject the students will be able to: