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Next Generation Women Leaders Award

Un año más McKinsey & Company lanzan este premio dirigido a estudiantes tanto de grado, máster o doctorados así como a antiguas alumnas con hasta 6 años de experiencia.

Anuncio. Enviado por orex válido desde 03/02/2017 hasta 05/03/2017 (caducado)

Las candidatas seleccionadas/ganadoras recibirán  2000€. La fecha límite para enviar la candidatura es el 6 de marzo.


McKinsey & Company are very excited to announce the launch of the Next Generation Women Leaders Award and we invite you to apply!

Winners from across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa will be awarded:2,000 Euros (or equivalent in local currency) towards the cost of tuition, summer employment, volunteer work, research, an independent project/entrepreneurial venture, or anything else that the money will help you with
Individual mentorship from McKinsey consultants
Guaranteed invite to selected McKinsey events
The Next Generation Women Leaders Award is open to all students working towards a Bachelors, Masters, MBA or PhD, from any degree, discipline or background, and experienced professionals with any background (with up to six years of work experience).

You can find more information and apply online via our website. Application deadline is March 6, 2017.

Please contact us at should you have any questions.