Our university is one of the oldest in Italy, renowned for both its academic rigour and prestigious lecturers. This course gives students the opportunity to experience life at the University of Pisa. All information regarding the Summer Schools is available on the website, which can be found here: https://www.unipi.it/summerschool
For more info see the attachment.
Para más information ver este enlance: https://ipt.acm.org/
During the webinar we will cover the following topics: The top reasons why East Asia is one of the best possible study abroad destinations Our partner universities in China, Korea and Taiwan How East Asia can be a relatively affordable study abroad option The numerous benefits for both your personal and professional life that studying abroad in East Asia can bring How to apply easily and af . (...seguir leyendo)
Para más información, ver el archivo adjunto.
La presentación de la Universidad de San Petersburgo Polytech Peter the Great que tendrá lugar el próximo 14 de marzo de 2018 en el Salón de Grados de la ETSIT-UPM (edificio A 1ª planta) a las 13:00.