programa de Becarios y Graduates de Consultoría y el próximo Jueves 3 Marzo hemos organizado un Open Day de nuestro área de IBM Consulting. Será virtual de 15 a 17. Hola,Os invitamos a todos los estudiantes y recién graduados apasionados por la tecnología a asistir al próximo Open Day de IBM Consulting España, un evento virtual en el que de la mano de varios de nuestros profesionales . (...seguir leyendo)
Are you already looking forward to next summer? So are we! The University of Antwerp is delighted to announce all the Antwerp Summer University courses on offer from late June until early September. Spread the word or apply to one of our 26 on-campus, online and hybrid summer schools if you are interested in an unforgettable summer full of knowledge and fun. Discover our full offer of summ . (...seguir leyendo)
Summer school 2022 is organized by the Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Harec Králové The Summer School will take place from 9th July until 10th August, 2022. All the information can be found in the attachment. The online application will open in early March. Contact: Mrs. Helena Holubičková, Mrs. Michael . (...seguir leyendo)