Make with Ada is an embedded software project competition sponsored by AdaCore. It is open to individuals and small teams using the Ada or SPARK languages to develop dependable, open, inventive and collaborative projects on ARM Cortex M or R processors. The aim of the competition is to promote the use of the Ada and SPARK languages and demonstrate their advantages. Our hope is that participants will gain first-hand experience with these technologies and their benefits.
This year the competition will run from 15th May-15th September 2017.
There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes on offer of €5000, €2000 and €3000 as well as a student only prize, a 3D printer (students can also win any of the cash prizes).
You can also visit the website to find out more about last years competition and also who the winners were and what their projects entailed: The website will be updated soon for this years competition.