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Inicio > Master's degrees > Master in Informatics Engineering > Master's Final Project > General description and policy


The Master's final project is a comprehensive professional informatics engineering project completed individually by students who have earned all the programme credits. This original paper performed, submitted and defended before an examination board should cover all the competences acquired during learning. Students shall have the option of performing the project at the School of Computer Engineering, at any other centre of learning or research, preferably abroad, or at a company with which the School of Computer Engineering has an educational agreement.

From the viewpoint of competences, the performance and defence of this paper shall assure that the student has gained a level of application and synthesis in the following specific competences.

Learning outcomes

Subject organization

The subject shall be coordinated by a member of the degree programme academic staff appointed by the dean of the School of Computer Engineering. Apart from a coordinator, the subject is also governed by a commission.

Master's Final Project Commission
The members of the Master's Final Project Commission shall be as follows:
• The coordinator who shall act as chairperson
• A representative of the degree programme curricular track commission for optional subjects
• School of Computer Engineering heads of department and departmental sections or deputizing academic staff
• One representative of each School of Computer Engineering department and departmental section appointed by the respective head of department
• Additionally, the commission shall, subject to the number of enrolled students, be rounded out with more academic staff until the number of commission members is roughly equal to half of the number of enrolled students. The academic staff members shall be proposed by the heads of department at the request of the coordinator and shall be distributed by departments in proportion to each department's degree programme credit load.

Tasks of Master's Final Project Commission

  1. Evaluate all the submitted offers (for both Option A and Option B) and decide which are suitable (and therefore approved) and which need to be reformulated according to the Commission's recommendations. Additionally, any offers that do not pass a second evaluation after reformulation may be rejected.

  2. Monitor the conduct of the Master's final project and propose improvement actions when there are considered to be significant deviations from the original work plan.
  3. Participate, along with the evaluated paper supervisor, in the boards set up to evaluate the Master's final project papers.

  4. Put forward amendments to these regulations for consideration by the Programme Academic Commission.

  5. Any others that it is assigned by the Programme Academic Commission.