The Master in Business Management and Consultancy is a programme targeting degree holders and professionals, irrespective of the sector in which they work, who are interested in gaining a more global and strategic view of corporations, best practices and success factors in the international business environment in which they operate.
The aim of this master's degree is to equip professionals interested in the field of consultancy with solid training and the requisite competences in business knowledge areas ranging from strategy, finances, human resources, operations, marketing, supply chain, project management and application and information technologies.
The content of this master's degree has been split into two divisions. One focuses on the development of management skills, that is, targets the personal development of professionals, and the other addresses the development of comnpany-focused business management skills.
The course targets degree holders with or without job experience that intend to take up a career in the business consultancy field.
To enable students to acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to develop company-based consultancy projects and provide added business value, the master's degree has been structured around several modules that cover the above competences.
Despite its clear business consultancy focus, as shown by the programme contents, this master's degree also has a technological component due to the growing influence of information technologies in companies.
• Strategy Module
• Project Management Module
• Marketing Module
• Business Organization and Process Module
• Financial Management Module
• Management Skills Module
• Operations Module
• Information Technologies Module
• Conferences
• Master Final Project
Master Coordinator
María Teresa Medina
Office 6103 (Building 6, Floor 1)
Facultad de Informática
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
28660 Boadilla del Monte
e-mail: masteraec@fi.upm.es
Phone: (+34) 91 336 4294 / (+34) 630 481 503
Fax: (+34) 91-336 4294
Master Director
José D. Carrillo Verdún
Tenured University Professor
Office 5107
Facultad de Informática
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
28660 Boadilla del Monte
e-mail: masteraec@fi.upm.es
Phone: (+34) 91 336 6921 / (+34) 629 200 382
Fax: (+34) 91-336 6913
10,500 €.
There is a wide range of grants available to students to fund their master's degree studies.
Students without work experience are guaranteed to find employment after successfully completing the master's degree course.
To gain admission to the Master in Business Managment and Consultancy, students must register online.