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Ofeta de trabajo para licenciados en Alemania


Announcement. Sent by colfi valid from 23/10/2013 until 21/11/2013 (expired)

The Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy is a research institute belonging to the
Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB). The FVB is the legally responsible body for eight non-university research
institutes in natural and life sciences within Berlin with approximately 1500 employees. The research institutes are
members of the Leibniz Association.
The Max Born Institute (www.mbi-berlin.de) is located in the southeast of Berlin within the Adlershof Technology Park.
Approximately 180 employees are working in fundamental research and applications in the field of ultrafast lasers.
The IT department of the MBI has 8 staff members. The team is responsible for delivering IT services to the scientists
and the internal administration. It runs the central infrastructure (network and central servers). The team works in
close collaboration with the FVB-IT services, the central IT division of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. thereby
utilizing shared services (e.g. Internet access) while other services are sourced from external providers